Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Just for adding links to prizes.

Found this when I was browsing about. Supposed to put it in the side bar but I dont know how to so this is going to have to do. Pop over and have a look....great prize up for grabs. http://bearlymine.blogspot.co.uk/


  1. Hiya if you go to Design at top right of your blog (next to where you sign in) then click on Layout in the left hand menu of the next page you will see a page with lots of boxes in the side bar (the smaller panel on the right) you will see a box that says add gadget click on that and it will bring up another box scroll down to where it says image and then you will have boxes to fill in with the URL (blog address) and a button to select the photo from your computer. It's probably far too late for this one but that's how you add something to your sidebar =)
    Lindsay xx

    1. Thanks Lindsay Craftymonster81.....Its definately not one of the easiest things to do but then this blog isnt very easy to navigate. :)
